Cleveland County Safe Room Rebate Program

Cleveland County will be kicking off a Safe Room Rebate Program this week. Cleveland County Commissioners received approval earlier this summer to apply for a FEMA grant to be used to provide up to 75% reimbursement (Limited to a maximum of $2500) to eligible Cleveland County residents who install an above-ground or below-ground safe room at their residence under the program. Recipients will be selected by a random computer drawing. They will be notified of their selection, and will have to construct a safe room to FEMA standards and submit all documentation to the county within nine months. To be eligible, safe rooms cannot be installed prior to the drawing and notification period. This is a FEMA requirement.

Registration for the rebate will be through the Cleveland County Website, ( Those citizens who are unable to register through the website, can pick up an application packet at various locations throughout Cleveland County. Please contact the County Commissioner's Office at (405)366-0200 for locations.

This county is coordinating with the cities and towns in the county program. Some have applied or are applying for a rebate program themselves. Not to be confused with the community-based programs, the State of Oklahoma is also cunducting a rebate program, SOONER-SAFE, which was announced on 9/30/11.

Cleveland County will be accepting applications through October 31, 2011.

Questions should be directed to the County Commissioner's office at (405)366-0200.


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